Personal Insurance
Peace of mind and protection for your family and finances.
The best time to think about insurance is before you need it.
Knowing what and how much insurance you need though, can often be confusing.
Questions To Ask Yourself
– How would you survive and plan for the future if you could no longer earn an income?
– How well would your family be provided for if they were faced with your unexpected death or disablement?
– If you were diagnosed with a traumatic illness such as cancer, would you have the financial security to be able to do the things you have always wanted to do?
We can help to answer these questions and provide you and your family with peace of mind.

Life Insurance
Life Insurance protects your family by providing funds to cover unpaid bills, mortgages and debts should you die prematurely. The lump sum cash benefit can also help by providing income for the family and meeting costs such as childcare and education expenses. There are different options available – to find out which options will best suit your particular needs
Mortgage Protection Insurance
When you obtain a loan for your home, it makes good sense to ensure that on your premature death the property will be left free of debt to your Estate or family.
This cover will simply pay to the Lender the balance of the mortgage to freehold the property in the event of the death of the Life Insured.

Trauma Insurance
Trauma Insurance pays you a tax-paid lump sum on the diagnosis of certain medical conditions, such as heart attack, stroke, cancer or similar serious illnesses so you can be free of financial worries while you are receiving treatment or rehabilitation.
It is like life cover, except a claim is triggered by a serious illness rather than death.
Income Protection Insurance
The ability to earn income is your greatest asset. A 40 year old today on a $50,000 per year income will earn $1.25 million dollars before retirement. Compare that to the average house worth $350,000, or a car worth $20,000. Income Protection Insurance, or Disability Income Insurance, will provide an income if you are sick or disabled and unable to generate an income for yourself.
Health Insurance
Let’s face it, sooner or later most of us are going to need medical treatment in one form or other. This insurance can pay for that medical treatment, and can help prevent you and your family from incurring unnecessary delays waiting for treatment through the public health system. Most Medical insurance policies taken today cover hospital and surgical cover only, but there are many different options available.
Total and Permanent Disability Insurance
This insurance is normally available as an optional benefit on a Term Life Policy. The benefit is a lump sum benefit just like life cover, but paid if you become totally or permanently disabled.